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Why Integrated Suppliers Fall Short for High-Performance, High-Strength Cores

When it comes to sourcing high-performance, high-strength cores for industrial applications, the choice of supplier can make a huge difference. Integrated suppliers—those that manufacture both paper and the finished cores—are often the go-to for many companies. However, when it comes to producing truly high-performance, high-strength cores, integrated suppliers are often working with a hand tied behind their backs, driven more by internal politics and the demands of their group operations than by the needs of their customers.

At first glance, integrated suppliers may seem like an easy solution—they control the supply chain from start to finish, producing both the coreboard and the tubes themselves. But that very integration is often their biggest weakness, especially when performance and strength are critical. Here’s why relying on an integrated supplier for your high-performance cores can leave you with an inferior product.

1. Paper Limitations – A One-Size-Fits-All Approach

One of the key problems with integrated suppliers is their reliance on their own mills. Because they have to use paper produced internally, they are limited by what their mills can supply. This means that rather than sourcing the best available material for your specific needs, integrated suppliers are constrained by what their mills are currently producing.

High-performance, high-strength cores demand high-grade paper, typically ranging from 300J to 600J. In an ideal situation, suppliers would have the flexibility to source this paper from the best mills, wherever they may be, ensuring they can meet your strength and performance requirements. However, integrated suppliers often design their cores around the limitations of their paper supply, not around your performance needs. This one-size-fits-all approach can result in cores that are over-specified in some areas, leading to unnecessary costs, or under-specified, leaving you with a product that simply doesn’t perform as required.

2. Internal Politics Drive Product Development

Integrated suppliers are often driven by the internal demands of their group operations rather than customer needs. The focus becomes less about delivering the right product to the customer and more about what works best for the company’s internal processes. This is particularly true in large, integrated firms where decisions are influenced by multiple layers of management, each with their own objectives and priorities.

This internal focus means that the customer isn’t always at the centre of product development. If their mills are focused on producing a certain grade of paper, that’s what you’ll get—whether it’s right for your needs or not. The result? Cores that are not optimised for your specific application and that don’t meet the stringent demands of high-performance, high-strength cores.

3. Over-Specification and Overpricing

When integrated suppliers are restricted by their own paper supply, they often compensate by over-specifying their products. This is particularly true for high-strength cores, where they might offer a more robust solution than necessary just to make up for the limitations of the materials they can access. While this might sound like a good thing, in reality, it leads to higher costs for you. You’re paying for additional features you don’t need because the supplier can’t tailor the product to your specific requirements.

At the same time, integrated suppliers are often more expensive. Their focus on internal processes means that their pricing reflects the needs of their entire group, not just the cost of producing your cores. You could end up paying a premium price for a product that doesn’t meet your performance needs or offers more than you actually require.

4. The Importance of Flexibility in Core Manufacturing

High-performance cores need to be specifically designed with high-grade materials that can withstand significant pressure and stress. 300J to 600J paper is critical for producing cores that can handle extreme conditions, from heavy-duty film winding to high-speed production lines. Flexibility in sourcing this high-grade paper is essential for tailoring the product to your exact requirements.

An independent supplier has the ability to source the best materials from multiple mills, ensuring that the paper grade perfectly matches the performance requirements of the core. They aren’t locked into what a single mill produces; instead, they can choose the highest-grade materials from the best suppliers. This flexibility ensures that you receive a product that’s specifically designed for your needs, without the constraints of integrated supplier limitations.

5. Customer-First Focus

Independent suppliers like Just Paper Tubes are driven by the customer’s needs, not by the limitations of their own manufacturing processes. With no internal politics or paper supply constraints to navigate, independent suppliers can focus entirely on providing the best possible product for your high-performance core needs. This means sourcing the best paper, ensuring the right specifications, and delivering a product that performs exactly as you require.

At Just Paper Tubes, we pride ourselves on our ability to source high-quality materials and deliver bespoke solutions for our clients. With access to the highest-grade papers, from 300J to 600J, we can ensure that your cores are built to handle even the most demanding conditions. We’re not restricted by internal processes or group demands—our focus is 100% on meeting your needs, with a product that’s tailored for your specific application.


When it comes to high-performance, high-strength cores, integrated suppliers often fall short. Their reliance on internal paper mills and group politics can result in subpar products that don’t meet your performance needs. Independent suppliers, with the flexibility to source the best materials and design bespoke solutions, are the clear choice for businesses that need high-performance cores that deliver real results. Don’t settle for over-specification and inflated prices—choose an independent supplier who puts your needs first.


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